Joseph Rice - Business Connections
Jun 292015This document was created in a way that allows you to check out the evidence with your own eyes and connect the dots with your own common sense. You can come to your own conclusions now that you have the information. I urge you to click on every link to see for yourself. The following series of investigative pieces is for you and for every keeper of oaths, every patriot, and every American who wants to know the truth about Joseph Rice and his associates.
Back in 2002 Joseph Rice was living in McCall Idaho and he started a company. He had a nifty acronym for his company: Wildland Aerial Resource Tactical Helicopter Group or Warthog Aviation.
However, it apparently didn’t go all that well. So when he got an offer from Carson Helicopters in Grants Pass to be their Operations Director, he took it. He bought a house in Grants Pass in 2003.
For 3 years he worked there directing the operations of firefighting crews. It probably reminded him of the work he did for Blackwater and provided camaraderie. He had a one year old daughter and an attractive wife. Life was probably pretty good.
Then the economic downturn happened. Carson Helicopters was competing harder for customers, and it probably ended up under financial pressure like most companies at the time. Whether it was a personality conflict, ethics violations, poor performance, or just simple economics, Joseph left the employment of Carson in October of 2007, just as the recession was getting under way.
With a young child, and probably a mortgage, he needed to bring in money. That year of 2008 he set up three companies, each of which was done to make money by selling out his services.
First, Joseph Rice dusted off his old company name that he liked so well and made a new business out of it: Warthog Aviation.
The entire set of 37 Warthog webpages are found at . They have been archived at The Wayback Machine at*/ to preserve them in case the originals are removed.
Warthog Aviation was intended to provide “confidential” purchases of helicopters and other services for clients:
“WARTHOG’s Confidential Buyer Services works exclusively for the buyer. WARTHOG serves the buyer with undivided loyalty, confidentiality and full disclosure. With the cost and complexity associated with today’s aviation purchases, more and more buyers are choosing to equip themselves with Confidential Buyer Services. WARTHOG will also perform "Due Diligence" investigations to assure our clients will get EXACTLY what you are after and we will cut to a minimum the amount of time to process a transaction. Contact us today to for any Confidential Buyer Services that you need, we are here for you!”
Who are their targeted clients who require confidential purchases of aircraft? China.
“After spending over 24 months in Pacific Rim, we have seen the need for a total helicopter support, training and consulting group. We are pleased to let you know that we have started WARTHOG Aviation, LLC. It is an exciting and dynamic new company that was formed to fill the need of helicopter support, training and consulting in the Pacific Rim region. As we all know, the growth of the helicopter industry in China/Asia is going to be incredibly large over the next many years and our company, WARTHOG Aviation, LLC is going to fill the void and need for pilot and crew training in the region.”
Did Joseph Rice succeed at providing "confidential" aircraft purchases for China or other secretive Pacific rim clients? We do not know. However the FAA fined Warthog Aviation $50,000 for failing to report something properly. That is a hefty fine, and may have been related to not reporting covert aircraft sales.
It is not clear whether or not this business actually gained any clients, but it put his name out there to people in the Pacific rim, letting them know he was willing to work with anyone. He was later contacted by a client who had a great deal of money, and a covert purpose in mind. More on that later…
After 3 months, Joseph Rice founded an additional company, this time in conjunction with Burl Brim at 455 Dead Indian Memorial Rd, Ashland OR.
The name was Aerial Resource Training. Its purpose was to provide helicopter training for pilots regardless of who they were. This business progressed into actually training Chinese police pilots. It appears that Joseph Rice worked for Brim Aviation in a operation to train Chinese police pilots on US soil, teaching them our procedures and techniques.
Source of images archived at
The carefully unnamed person in the Mail Tribune article below on the training of Chinese police pilots is probably Joseph since he had made the business to train Far East/Chinese pilots, and had located the business at Brim’s location. In the article the Chinese pilot training is documented:
Here is a picture of the Chinese trainees:
The FAA recently proposed a $220,000 fine against Burl Brim's company Brim Aviation for unsafe practices including hanging people off the helicopter without proper safety equipment.
With Operation Jade Helm currently in the works, and potential conflict with China looming, patriots are concerned about a foreign nation such as China gaining knowledge of and access to our operational methods. In China, the distinction between police and military is negligible. It is possible that these trained pilots may end up fighting American forces in the near future.
Thus twice Joseph Rice set up a company to assist the Chinese in technology that could be used against us: First through Warthog Aviation which offered to facilitate covert helicopter sales, and then Aerial Resource Training which offered and succeeded at training of Chinese police pilots.
However it was the third company that involved the most money and deception. That business was partly owned and set up by Joseph Rice and received millions of dollars from the Federal government under very unlikely circumstances. Its name was Recoil Suppression Systems LLC.
But first a little history…